Why You Should Move Your Communication to the Cloud
Prior to the pandemic, technological innovation and the increasing demands of customers pushed organizations across the economic playing field to seek ways to streamline operations and reduce costs. While cloud-based communications were rapidly becoming a solution for businesses looking to increase the agility of their workforce, post-COVID conditions have made it almost impossible for businesses that want to survive to not embrace technologies that create a more flexible and decentralized work environment. In this article, SafeCall explores reasons Charlotte businesses should shift their communications platforms to cloud-based phone systems rather than maintain and manage a premise-based system.
Flexibility and Scaling to the Needs of Your Business
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a complicated and multifaceted impact on market conditions and sales patterns. Whether it’s rapid increases or unprecedented falloff in sales, businesses struggling to maintain controllable costs have turned to rapidly adjusting workforce size as a means of meeting workload demands. Whether adding employees or reducing the number of employees you have on the job, you’ll need a communications solution in place that can quickly be scaled.
With premise-based solutions, once a line’s been installed, that line is now part of your communications infrastructure until deactivated. Adding lines is an even more complicated process, and if an employee is working remotely, isn’t necessarily a solution that even works to solve the issue at hand - connecting remote workers into your organization’s existing communications infrastructure. Cloud-based solutions, however, scale at the touch of a button, can be run through privately owned devices as long as the right apps are downloaded, and are completely accessible as long as an internet connection is available.
Low Overhead, Tremendous ROI
Premise-based communications systems require cable installation, specialized equipment, and other hardware components that you then either have to have a costly service agreement to maintain or hire knowledgeable staff to do so from in-house. Add to that the costs of equipment, costs associated with scaling the communications infrastructure, and maintaining licenses for all-inclusive software and services that might include elements superfluous to your business needs.
In a cloud-based communications solution, you’re only paying for the services you’re interested in utilizing. In terms of physical infrastructure, you get only the equipment and lines you need to meet the needs of your employees, systems and networks are managed and maintained offsite, and costs normally associated with the services of several providers are consolidated into a consolidated cost and managed by a single service provider.
Focused Collaboration
Premise-based and outdated communications systems are not often integrated into your organization’s network in a way that facilitates collaboration. In fact, while voice communications might be achieved through a phone line, chat online might take place through another medium while document sharing and integration with storage solutions are achieved through an entirely different system. With a cloud-based phone system, you can achieve full collaboration through multiple devices interacting with the same central system, including email and voicemail integration, data storage, and document retrieval, as well as voice communications. With many workers still outside of the office setting, these are crucial tools for maintaining a level of operational stability.
All the More Reason to Move to the Cloud
Current economic conditions require companies to take advantage of every advantage offered by the technologies and services available to them. While there might be an initial transition cost of transitioning communications systems to the cloud, the ultimate benefits of doing so far outweigh the costs. As Charlotte businesses move to returning to business as usual, it’s the perfect time to explore SafeCall’s offerings of business phone systems designed to provide every advantage possible. Concerned about transition costs? Contact our team today to find out if your premise-based system qualifies for our “SafeTrade” program.